May 9, 2010

Service Innovation Challenge

I have always been a proponent of fueling innovation in academics. Its perhaps based on what I did not do in college...what I wished I had done in college.. and now I hope can create opportunities for some motivated students to do.. To not get carried away in the herd.. of campus..placements..grades..etc. but do something unique..cos there is never a better time to do it. I keep trying to do a lot of stuff at IIITB.. but of course the biggest hurdle is that the students wont know until theyve got their hands me by actually passing that phase..and realizing it perhaps a little late. Not that I am complaining.

Here is my latest attempt..thanks to my association with the ICSEM2010. I am driving the Service Innovation Challenge. A Challenge which gives the student a motive to innovate in a very broad area, does not curtail the freedom of thinking and freedom of exploring any technology or area. Cos as long as you can show that the technology innovation is related to services it qualifies.

Now the bigger part of the challenge is how to make sure that people submit into this challenge. While I figure that out.if u happen to have landed on this page by any chance.. please make sure any motivated student innovator you know..gets this link.. Will keep you posted as this challenge takes shape